One of Australias favorite destinations moving forward.
Long hailed as the jewel in the crown of the destination's tourism offerings, visitors to Great Keppel Island generates $49.9 Million in revenue for local businesses which will increase by another $95.9 Million with the implementation of the GKI Master Plan, bringing the total visitor spend to $145.8 M.
The report also revealed that Great Keppel Island currently supports over 250 FTE (Full Time Equivalent) jobs in a range of industries from accommodation and food services, retail trade, transport and a range of other services. An additional 500 FTE are expected to be generated once the masterplan has been delivered.
Capricorn Enterprise was an active participant in the GKI Master Plan Project Reference Group over an 18 month period, lodging a detailed submission to the Draft report released by the State government in July 2023.
Ms. Carroll said “on behalf of our Member businesses, we asked for the immediate construction of a new sewerage treatment plant as well as timelines and funding for a jetty/barge ramp to provide accessibility for all visitors and pave the way for future resort development.”
The report states “Realising the economic potential of GKI can't stop at the master plan with success of future development requiring all three levels of government to commit to action on a range of policy, infrastructure and investment attraction initiatives.”
Ms Carroll said “We eagerly await the release of the Final GKI Master Plan and we are hopeful that it responds to the very specific and critical requests around common user infrastructure, timelines and funding outlined in our submission.”
Familclub look forward to promoting islands around Australia free of charge thereby generating future conference group bookings.
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